Then I began to
get(start) to myself the friends and to play with them. I remember that day
when I for the first time have gone from school home one. It seemed to me so
"abruptly", that I began to go in school and home from school itself.
At school me have
invited in ЛЮБОЗНАЙКУ. Our command(team) is called "ПОЧЕМУЧКИ". We somewhere 5-ти the
multiple champions.
The time flied, and
I began to behave is more open. I remember when at school there was a first
evacuation. We with my girlfriend send behind jackets beforehand. I did not
know as to return to a class. The girlfriend has shown me a road, but I doubted
and went there with a reluctance. And now I know all school. To me was not
believed, that I finish the first class. Also there has come(stepped)
a vacation …